
1984 - How it all began by Judith Pinnell, Founding and Life Member
The inaugural meeting of the as yet unnamed textile group was held on Monday evening 25th June 1984 at the home of Susan Wilding in Claremont. Several friends who were involved in working in various mediums relating to textiles decided to invite friends they knew who were also interested in being creative. About a dozen keen embroiderers came along.  Names of those present are somewhat hazy but I do recall Jennie Abbot, Evi Ferrier and Susan Wilding.  (See original invitation at end of page)
The first working meeting was held on 23 July at my place where we got down to business, deciding on a name for the group, when and where we would meet and what form our meetings would take.  I had recently come from the UK where I had completed the four years City and Guilds in Design and Embroidery Diploma and offered to share some of the knowledge of techniques and designing skills I had learnt.  So, we elected a Convenor, Secretary, Treasurer and Tutor and decided we would meet at members homes once a month until such time as the membership would grow and we would require bigger premises.  A programme for the year was drawn up with techniques of interest coming from the members present.
I had been briefly involved with a UK Group called the 62 Group who were doing great things with needle and threads and I suggested the name - 84 Group with high hopes that our Group would follow suit!
Machine embroidery threads were not available in Perth at that time. I found the address of a company in Melbourne, Penguin Threads, that sold threads wholesale.  We duly wrote to them and they became our source for the threads.  That is until, they discovered that were not a commercial business and our supply was terminated.  It wasn’t a case of not telling the truth, we just didn’t think to mention that we were a little Machine Embroidery group from Perth!!!! At this time Burnells realised there was a demand in Perth and began to sell the threads to the public, and of course they also became available from The Thread Studio.
The Group has gone from strength to strength.  It has a new name, new constitution and many talented members. The Group has presented several successful Exhibitions and also made a pair of stunning wall hangings that were displayed in Western Australia House in The Strand London. They were later purchased by a private buyer.